Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Cheat seal update Desember 2011

 LINK DOWNLOAD : http://www.ziddu.com/download/17221748/Update.rar.html

caranya gampang cuma download cheatnya extrac ke system32

tutup semua aplikasi,,,,,

kalau ngak muncul download netFrame Work 3.5 atau 4.0

Inject Chitnya/klik cheatnya

setelah itu baru seting option seal menjadi window mode

Start.. tunggu sampe loading...

masuk pilih character yg mau di cit...

taruh semua barang yang inigin di dupe...

buka bank atau bank guild ambil semua barang yg mau di dupe...

setelah selesai tunggu sampai 1 jam lebih...

biar cheat bisa bekerja...setelah selesai 1 jam lebih silakan log out tunggu esok hari...

untuk menghidari banned...

Download Nih Gan http://www.ziddu.com/downloadlink/17199866/Vip_X.rar

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga " Christmas Reward Quest Hack "

- Buka Ninja saga dan pilih karakter
- Masuk "Santa Claus's Quest" dan lihat apa yang kurang
- Lalu Close(Balik ke Desa)
- Lalu Buka Charles lalu klik "Record" & "Breakoints"
- Masuk "Santa Claus's Quest"
- Execute pada charles
- Akan muncul tab lagi => Edit Response => AMF
- Expand "xmax_collection"
- Expand : SETA | Reward 1
                 SETB | Reward 2
                 SETC | Reward 3
- Edit Sesuai apa yang kurang
-Lalu Klik "Execute"
-Lepas "Breakpoints" => Get Reward

X-Mas Event HH Hack


 Steps To Follow :
-Open Ninja Saga & Play
-Open Fiddler 2 & Tick "Enable Automatic Responses" & "Unmatched Request Passthrough"
-Then Extract The File To"Autoresponder"
-Clear Cache [ CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE ]
-Then go to Hunting House
-Then Enjoy Hacking!

Features :
+ 1 Hit K.O. All Boss
+ Santa's Quest [ Quest ]

Created By & Credits To : Grey Phantom " The Hidden Phantom Of Generations "

The sims Social Hack [Send Multiple Gifts and Energy]

Tired of getting out of energy on Sims social ?
Tired of not having materials for complete skills or items you just bought?
Send up to 20 of any item or energy you need with this Tutorial.
You just need Charles and 1 Facebook dummy account.
As many facebook accounts you got many items you can send.
1 Dummy account = 20 or more items!

Because this toke me time to figure it out. And there is any other “Cheat” working for sims social please Fill up the survey to download the .doc file with the full Guide HOW TO DO THIS.

This is Tested and it is working as 4-12-2011.





- CANDIES ;; ' ..haggle lower prices by keeping customers happy..'
- EXPERIENCE ;; ' ..want to reach the max level of 200? gotcha covered.. '
- CASH ;; ' ..want to be extremely rich? do so with the steps below.. '

These are the steps to gaining mass fortune in Pawn Stars.

You'll have to do this quickly, so read them over and get acquainted with program before attempting this.

1.) First you'll want to open up your Pawn Stars game. Let it sit, loaded completely for about a good ten seconds, then proceed to open up Charles Proxy. It's not the full version, so you have to wait 10 seconds for it to load.

2.) Once Charles is loaded, all you should see is a Structure/Sequence tabs. Everything else should be blank. Now hit the refresh button on the game, and the feed from the internet should transfer everything over to Charles.

3.) Look down the list of traffic the program stored, and search for "http://app.beapawnstar.com/" hit the plus sign beside that link and you will see a folder called "AMFPHP" click that plus sign next to the folder now and you'll see the game file called, "GATEWAY.PHP."

4.) Wait for the third and final gateway to pop up, and then right click the first gateway.php file and select "Breakpoints." Once this is completed you should be able to refresh your game once more. Let everything load; game and Charles.

5.) Once everything is loaded, Charles should immediately react to the break point. A red arrow pointing up is what you want to see in the breakpoints tab. Once that happens click down where it says execute, and wait for the next breakpoint interruption.

6.) Now you should be able to see the next page. There are two tabs at the top, "Overview & Edit Request." Choose to edit request at the top. Then look down and you'll see the tab that says, "AMF" now click that and you should see a bunch of little folders and files. This means you're inside of the game right now.

7.) Out of all those files, the only one you need is Folder 1 under the [0] number and under the actionReturnList, expand that data and that will open up your game statistics. Only edit the ones that matter. XP, CANDIES, and CASH.

- XP put like 100000000, just don't go over that, you may get some integer error., because you'll be in the negative.
- Candies put as many as you like, like up top, try not to go over.
- Same with the cash.

8.) Once you're completed, head over to "Session 1" tab on the other side, right click that Gateway you put the Breakpoint on and deselect that breakpoint. Go back over to the breakpoint tab on top and finally click the execute button.

Close Charles, and you should be good with your new edits. Once you're in the game, you numbers are visual. You'll need to spend some cash on a random item, gain experience from buying it, and give candy to a pissed customer, so it meshes in with the data, like you never cheated. Once you've done all that then refresh the game and your edited data should remain.




Once again, you're going to have to do this with speed and accuracy. Read the tutorial, and you will succeed. I've done this many times, and the hack still works and is undetected.

Bot for CityVille

ityVille bot is a program which possible you more effective play CityVille.
Bot is easy to use and absolutely free.

Bot features:
1)Seed and harvest crops
2)Collect rent
3)Collect and supply business buildings
4)NEW!!! Exploite = Unlimited coins
5)Bot functional based on plugins, and if you want you can create your own plugin.

CityVille bot ver2.02
1) Memory limit increased in php.ini
2) Plugin wikia deactivated by default
3) Array $this->copsAndBandits was commented since it do not use in any Plugin
4) Crops plugin minor fix
5) Added new plugin Dashboard by Xfiles
6) Updated php version to 5.3.8
If you have a Windows 32 bits you must install: Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime (x86)
If you have a Windows 64 bits you must install: Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime (x64)
7) Added new plugin cityfran by sowijo_kaskuser
8) Updated plugin Inbox by tonycell
9) Added new plugin sendToInventory by vincenzo
10) Bug in exe file when you close bot there are still exists some php process - fixed 

Download bot with images (18Mb)